MentesMe - How we can learn from our daily challenges

MentesMe - How we can learn from our daily challenges

Hosted by: Gerard Dekkers from MentesMe

This Podcast is about learning from the daily challenges my clients' experience. Enjoy!


De kracht van interne mentoring programma's voor bedrijven die een lerende organisatie willen zijn.

Season #4

Hoi allemaal,  Deze podcast gaat over de kracht van interne mentoring binnen organisaties, en waarom peer to peer learning vaak veel beter werkt dan externe coaches of cursussen. En dit terwijl ik zelf ook psycholoog...
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Attention as a catalyst for growth with Dutch Intro - Mentoring Series

Season #4

Mentoring has several essential aspects, one of which is attention. In this episode, I will explore why attention is crucial for growth.
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Attention as a catalyst for growth (no dutch intro) - Mentoring series

Season #4

Mentoring has several essential aspects, one of which is attention. In this episode, I will explore why attention is crucial for growth.
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